“In which God doesn’t look the same anymore” by Sarah Bessey

I haven’t had much to say this week, but I have no shame in sharing awesome writing talents of others.  Sarah Bessey is a blogger I follow and she recently went on a trip with other bloggers to Haiti.  I’d like to feature one of her posts.  I’ll share an excerpt and the link to her blog where you can read it in it’s entirety.  There you can read more posts about Haiti.  She’s really a talented writer.  I’m also looking forward to a book she is having published called, Jesus Feminist: Life on the Other Side of our Church’s Gender Debates.

excerpts from her post in Haiti titled, “In which God doesn’t look the same anymore:”

…we had more hard conversations about how vulnerable Haitian children, particularly orphans, are being trafficked as slaves. They talked about how children are stolen, loaded up and driven over the borders, or to the ports, and then they are gone, and I could not bear to think of this evil, I had to stop listening.

This may mean I am a coward, but I still cannot think of it…

…I think I got born again, all over again, tonight, and now God smells like sweat, like shit, like charcoal, like pineapples, in addition to my northern lakes and pine trees and clean air and water.

Click here to read the entire post:  http://sarahbessey.com/in-which-god-doesnt-look-the-same-anymore/

Maybe God can use these stories to invite specific others to join him in furthering his Kingdom through this avenue.  So I figured I’d share, just in case it might move you to prayer or action in some way.

Happy Friday, y’all.  Cheers, Katy

One thought on ““In which God doesn’t look the same anymore” by Sarah Bessey”

  1. I went to Haiti once, before the Hurricane. Was messed up even then. It’s a major spiritual thing though. Cross the border into the Dominican Republic and its instantly different. I mean, right down to how the plants look. Sad.

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